
An artistic virtual business card and contact index

There are little things this ominous yet liberating as well as heuristic than the absolute certitude of failure.


Sheelyuu, who are you?

Well, I don't like talking about myself much, who I am, I prefer to talk about what I experienced, what I saw, thought and did, so I'll keep it simple.

I'm born sometime in the 90s, grew up in Corsica, in EU, and I'm not an optimistic.

The things that defined the most who I am as a person are that truth isn't opinion, equal doesn't always mean fair, and that law is rarely justice.

And I will leave it at that for now, I might update that bit in the future.

Sheelyuu, what are your trades?

Well, a bit of everything!

  • I used to draw.... a lot, by mid-Elementary school I was able to draw near anatomically-correct humans, and drew until my late teens... then stopped.
  • I used to play piano, I did for about 12 years... then stopped.
  • I know my way around computer hardware, from laptops to desktops prebuilds, to custom loops and mods to enterprise server gear,
  • I know $ how to code, not like a great coder or an expert software designer, but from scripting some stuff and iterating into complexicity depths, actually understand technical documentation and what ever wizards are posting on stackoverflow, and not being afraid to learn stuff... I'm an okay code-rollfacer.
  • I'm interrested in design and engineering, but if I start listing stuff, you'll get bored or wonder how am I not dead yet, from electrocution, poisoning or fire.
  • I'm not afraid of dealing with soldering, wood-working, metal-working... but I also am often not motivated enough to do things right when it's for myself, and half-ass stuff into being right in the functional way, but looking jankier than if it was on purpose.
Explorator of all, expert of none!

Essentially making me a reject-deadbeat in the eyes of most employers, and the ones who would enjoy having a a OCD-driven multitasker can't, because of my sheer lack of ever having been arsed to pursue any kind of degree.

Some other jobs I know right away I can't take, else because of my health (physically couldn't take them), or because I would actually prefer to starve than doing these... like... fckn... selling crapware to tech-unsavy old people... I'm a good tech! So I could litterally sell you anything with the BS arguments for it and all the technical mumbo-jumbo, but I refuse to go so low. Mind you, I haven't always been 'blue-teaming', more like purple, but still.

Important note, I do have a lot of respect for anyone capable to endure shitty jobs as long as they're honnest ones. I prefer to shake the unwashed hand of a garbage collector than to be in the same room as any of the extreme majority of political figures.

Sheelyuu, what is your equipment?

  • Tablet : XP-Pen Artist Pro 15
  • Software : Krita
  • Computer : quite a baller one, rackmounted, under a pair of bawler servers
  • Desk : A piece of a particle board on a table picked on the curb.
  • Eeer... I have a cat, also. That counts?

Sheelyuu, what is your Experience?

What is your artistic history?

I used to draw a lot... an awful lot. More than one graphite pen a day - lot.

I actually also had Art as an optional class from middle to high-school.

I just showed up to the exam with my own personal drawings of back then, which were nothing related to the year's topic, which didn't interested me ...

I drew for myself, I drew to relieve myself, and I never cared for other's appreciation.

I had also that habit of destroying the work I wasn't satisfied off, or that I just didn't felt for anymore.

Things that has been going on for a couple of years at that time made me slowly loose the will to pick up the pen...

And I just, well, outright stopped drawing after that, because I had already been forcing myself a bit just to have something to present for the final exam, because if I wasn't caring about people's appreciation of what I drew, I wouldn't be insulted of being said incapable to draw.

Once I had brought over a big file full of A3 A2 and A1 sheets covered in drawings for the final exam, I basically didn't felt like I had any reason left to draw again, not even for myself, it just wasn't worth it.

From that point on, when I stumbled upon any drawings of mine, I would just discard them in the trash without distinction or even giving it a look, nor much thoughts, bare numbness.

A few weeks later, I received my high school final exam's results, and saw I've got the best evaluation in the region, despite the off topic 'work' I presented.

Got a few mails from my art professor, regarding my results.

I didn't answered them.

And I never went back to recover the drawings I presented to the evaluation, on which I had no idea what happened to them.

I went through a kind of rockier life after that. I did a bit of 3D design, but didn't picked up the pen again.

My health declined too, and I played the waiting game with issues that I couldn't do anything about now nor later, but of which I was enduring the consequences.

For a decade.

And I haven't drawn in a decade.

And I don't think I will ever pick up pen and paper again. But at least I'm gonna try digital.

Never had a tablet before, never used the tool, I'll learn it.

I'll doodle and sketch and scratch a lot, surely make a couple (hundred) shitty drawings, that I will try not to delete, and instead post somewhere here, on twitter, deviant art, or Fa, wouldn't that be swell?

That was quite a question to answer!




Millenial doomer / Works in tech / Drop-out

Welcome on my website... which to be honest is more of a digital business card than a website, but it's there!

I'm picking drawing back up, and also transitioning from pen and paper to digital all at once, so I hope you all will be indulgent with me for a while.

You can find on here some informations, what plateforms I'm on and where you can contact me, or without registering use the contact form!

Rules and rates!

General notes:

  • I don't have to be into it to draw it.
  • I don't kink shame, and I don't judge.
  • But if I say I won't draw it, I won't.
  • You can request of a commission to not be publicly visible anywhere throughout any part of its creation (from the order to the work in progress), but once finished, I allow up to a month of exclusivity before being free to post it.
  • You can request your commission to not have your name attached to it, from start to finish.
  • Payment after presentation and validation of the initial sketch.
  • Any correction of the finished work will result in a supplement, depending on the request.
  • Finalized commissions can't be sent before the payment is complete.

Payment Methods:

Through Paypal

  • Euro - €
  • USD - $
  • CAD - C$
  • British pound - £

Via crypto

Will be accepting the following coins:

  • ETH (Ethereum)
  • RVN (Ravencoin)
  • ATOM (Cosmos)
  • XTZ (Tezos)

Only Euros accepted through paypal for now, trying to figure out how to not pay a rent to paypal in conversion fees.

Commission types:

Prices declared in Euro and USD


Description Price
1x 1 body front art + 2 emotion + 4 details --€ | --$
1x Same, but Nsfw --€ | --$


Description Price
1x Single headshot with alpha or gradient background --€ | --$
2x Portrait of two characters together in the shot --€ | --$
Description Price
1x Full body, standing or posing --€ | --$
2x Same character from 2 angles (ex: front and back) --€ | --$
2x Different characters together --€ | --$
Description Price
1x One character in the scene, standing or posed --€ | --$
2x Two characters in the scene together --€ | --$

Prices aren't defined yet because I'm not yet taking commissions.


Contact by legal mail

Website's host:


Head office :

2 rue Kellermann

59100 Roubaix - France

Data Collection

Using the contact form doesn't keep any data on the website, and doesn't send them to any external source.

While using the forms, your data transit the same way they do when you send an email through a secured client without collection.


All the internal scripts have for function to manage the composition of pages, their animations, and validate form fields directly in your browser and your GDPR choices.

All the external scripts are libraries, like jquery, that are used as dependencies.

No data transit through javascript, they are treated internally by the php8.1.29 server.


Our internal cookies are purely functional and only contain your GDPR settings and PHP sesssion.

We don't actually use any external cookie.


Session management takes place internally on the php8.1.29 server, without no outbound data.